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Jumat, 11 Agustus 2017

Multilingual Education


Nurul Lailatul M

This paper talks about the mastery and education multilingual to early childhood, the ability of a person in use of language is very needed because of this mastery and education multilingual be introduced as early as possible in students in Indonesia currently. Mastery and education multilingual would be ideal to begin at an early age, especially before they step on the age of 12 years, early childhood was the son who had the age range of the 0-6 years .In the age range of the is that it represents a period of gold the development of child speaking ability. They are able to learn any language as speakers of the original and the period of this must be utilized. And with a method of the consistency of a child can receive language more than two languages, because with the methods this is a child can put the use of language consistently.

1.                  INTRODUCTION
            Language is a communication for everyone, including children. Children can develop the ability of social through speaking. Mix in the skills of social environment begins with mastery of language ability. Through language, children can express a thought, that others understand and to create a social relationships. So, it is not surprising that a language considered as one of the success of a child .Children considered a lot of talk, sometimes a reflection of the son of smart .Prior knowledge of other studies, children need to use language that can well understand. Children will can develop their abilities in the field of the sound of pronunciation, writing and reading, the success of the language very supportive higher.
            Language is not merely a tool of communication but also a value. To the child, mother tongue and father tongue are of equal value. And in the eyes of pre-school teachers, parents, other care takers and policymakers, the minority language should attain a value equal to that of the majority language. Early-years practitioners working within the preschool institutions should employ a deliberate language policy, offering children a language rich environment. Pre-school staff must be aware of language immersion methodology in the minority language. Learning a language relies on the development of operations: these operations are influenced and modulated by both verbal and non-verbal interactions (led by adults) with the child’s environment (I. Bangma Msc, Dr. A.M.J. Riemersma, 2011: 4).
Educational policy makers have difficult decisions to make with regard to languages, schooling and the curriculum in which the technical and the political often overlap. While there are strong educational arguments in favor of mother tongue (or first language) instruction, a careful balance also needs to be made between enabling people to use local languages in learning, and providing access to global languages of communication through education (Education in multilingual world, 2003: 7).
The development of the ability of speaking in a kindergarten aimed to make child capable of being revealed the mind through simple language accurately, able to communicate effectively and arouse interest to be able to speak be better. Enhancement vocabulary early childhood education done by creating situation affording the opportunity on child to develop the ability of its language. 

2.                  DISCUSSION
            In schutz krashen (2006: 12) defines of language acquisition as ' the product of a subconscious process very similar to the process children undergo when they acquire their first language. In other words of language acquisition is the process of how someone can speak or process of children in general received a first language.
            Of language acquisition distinguished into of language acquisition first and a second language acquisition. Of language acquisition the first occasion if the child has never been learning any language, and acquiring a language. This acquisition would be one language or monolingual FLA (first language acquisition), can two languages simultaneously or successive (bilingual FLA). Can even more than, two languages (multilingual FLA). While of language acquisition second one took place if someone acquiring a language after occupying a first language or constituting the process of someone develop skills in a second language or a foreign language.
            The early years (age 0-4) are an advantageous timespan to acquire language skills. One of the skills young children need to acquire is the ability to understand the adults in their environment, whatever language(s) they may use while speaking to the child. At the same time, the child is learning to speak, acquiring the language(s) at its own pace and in a playful, natural way. The child’s early language development is described in chapter 3 (I. Bangma Msc, Dr. A.M.J. Riemersma, 2011: 4).
            The factors that have played a big part in the development of a foreign language is psychological factors and social factors. Psychological factors was defined as an intellectual process that involves understanding the grammatical structure and the rules, memory that is very important in the development, as well as motor skills which includes the use of the tools he unstressed to produce in a foreign language. Social factors in the learning of languages consider the situation, including the interaction, in particular situations natural and the situation in the classroom.
The language of instruction in school is the medium of communication for the transmission of knowledge. This is different from language teaching itself where the grammar, vocabulary, and the written and the oral forms of a language constitute a specific curriculum for the acquisition of a second language other than the mother tongue. Learning another language opens up access to other value systems and ways of interpreting the world, encouraging inter-cultural understanding and helping reduce xenophobia. This applies equally to minority and majority language speakers. The way languages are taught is constantly changing, and may vary considerably from one country to another or even within the same country. Much depends on the prevailing concept of language and language teaching paradigms, as well as on the role that is assigned to the language that is taught.
Externally also consider a study of what learning a language in some areas and a mastery of language, second the third or next to the speakers of a language user. Someone who rules of a language, called monolingual mastering two languages commonly called bilingual and control of more than two called multilingual.
The development of the language of monolingual then become bilingual and eventually become multilingual by many factor caused, among other: the development of communications technology, the globalization, the education world that causes the need of the public about experiencing shift language and the progress the age of indirectly mix-up between language.
In the history of the formation of the language languages we see there are at least four patterns through migration, colonization, the Federation and also the language region borders.
Migration or displacement of the in habitants of the literary fact cause problems can be divided into two types. The first type is a large group of residents but with wings to other regions which are already occupied by other groups. The second types occurs when a small number of members of the ethnic regions already under entering the control other national.
In the process of colonization control that is held by a number of people in a little bit of the relative birth-control nationalist in a new territory that.
Federation is the integration of the various ethnic or nationalist under political control one country.
D.Various of the language
In the border region the origin of various language could have happened in the border area as a result on the border could be there are citizen who so “A” citizen but, in sociocultural become the “B”. Complication the border region usually connected by war. A nation that lost was forced to abdicate in his area to some who won.
Multilingualism that is, the use of more than one language in daily life, will be normal practice in these contexts. Linguistically diverse contexts cover a range of scenarios. Broadly speaking, however, these correspond either to more traditionally diverse situations where several, or even up to many hundreds of languages have been spoken in a region over a long period of time, or to more recent developments (particularly in urban concentrations), the result of migratory phenomena, where in some city schools there may be as many as 30 or 40 different mother tongues among students.
Multilingual education refer to the use of two or more languages as mediums of instruction. In much of the specialized literature, the two types are subsumed under the term bilingual education. Multilingual education can make mother tongue instruction possible while providing at the same time the acquisition of languages used in larger areas of the country and the world. This additive approach to bilingualism is different from the so called subtractive bilingualism which aims to move children on to a second language as a language of instruction.
Which are not proud parents if their children able and eloquent speaking in two languages or more. Especially if the child can control several languages in their early enough. Is the ability of control of a foreign language is added value for the child in the future, Then, at the age of how much do the child can learn a foreign language from the outset ? According to Penfild and Robert (1959), a child can be taught a foreign language ranging from 0-11 years. Opinion it is constituted by that when a child capable of absorbing and study more than one language since that age. Al- kindi, a surgeon nerves, alleging that the adult human brain will lose plasticity. Therefore learned language when this case will run into trouble.
Even so, there are other opinions against that. Opinion suggests that if in the early age that a child learn a foreign language, then the children not having enough time to learn the language of his mother. The brain child immature is adaptive or flexible in receiving language, while the adult brain has been contaminated by their vision and mission, in hence the ability of adults in the study the language of lower than in the ability of a small child.
Based on a statement (Lennerberg, 1967: Penfild and Robert, 1959) that a child more allows its ability to learn languages and of his speech from in adolescents or adults. Small children with her parents moved into new country before the adult age, be able to learn a language where he takes place, and through language well able to use local people said, even beyond the ability of both parents ( Lennerberg (1967) in Chaer (2011: 58).
Although the ability of multilingual, is believed will bring a number of positive impact on child, but it can also give the negative impact. One of the negative impact is semi- lingualisme. Children taught multilingual but, not able to control each language in their entirety. As a result, the ability of the language has become the department and is mixed.
            According to Mr. Wahono fathers of Tantowi, when he started going to school and introduced a new language in their schools, the exposure of the mother tongue of the little by little began to unravel, it might be that this will make an impact, in the form of the limited number of child to master each language. This could trigger the emergence of difficulties in the field of academic and child social ability later on. Hence, a child should be first to take control of the his mother tongue, before introduced in an auxiliary language, because in the case of this Tantowi, a first language of this kid started to fade away when this kid entering out of school at a lodge its boarding Mantholiul Falah Pare, so that the language of the second and third language or actually more proficient than of the mother tongue.
            In my opinion, in the golden years (the age 0-6 year), child allowed to be introduced in various whole wide variety of languages .Is indeed plentiful that is to say, Indonesian language must first be studied, it was only later another language, so that his brain was not upset. In fact the human brain normal in fact made in such a way so that acts like a sponge at the time of the golden years. With gift of the brain like a sponge with a sense of wonder naturally, normal child could absorb and learn all kinds of things at once simultaneously. So if we want to optimize the golden years, before the child is is seven years old parents can direct their children to be able to seize some languages. For example the Indonesian language, English, the Arabic language or in dialect.  It does not matter, during done consistently, I think so, several studies showed, the son who studied four languages simultaneously, will take more time to speak. But this is not because of not yet ready child mental capacity, but because of a lack of deepening the exposure of a child at every language he learned were .The researchers suggest, if parents want to his son active talking to a language, at least a child must be allowed to experience the exposure of a language at least 30 percent of the active such a child.
            I admit, based on the survey that I do in some of the multilingual, while small they do often feel confused in speaking, but confusion of it, precisely because he knows several languages at once to one particular concept, for example a drink, if being tired, sometimes she was confused choose the language must be used, because she understands many languages. During normal cognitive development, rarely speaking that is caused by the concept of the inability of language that mixed stir. Penfield and Robert also said that children under the age of 9 years old can learn multilingual, different language acquisition to activate a reflex in the brain that helps them to change from one language into another language without feel the need to translate into a first language. Lenneberg also agrees with this opinion that the mechanisms of workings of the brain responsible for the change in the ability of the maturity of the same language that connects with the performance of the brain part the left until at the age of about 13 years, considering the growth language children soared when he by the age of three years. At the age, the son of steadying articulation, an arrangement of a sentence, and already had a lot a vocabulary. The age of three years old and upward is a period of gold teach languages to children, including a foreign language. Introduce child to a foreign language to do as early as possible.
            In my opinion, consistency is the key to taught me all sorts of whole wide variety of languages on child. So for example, in the house was in Indonesian language, at an English school, then maybe come too les the Arabic language or French. “though it may be us feel, well, that it is difficult, but during is done by consistent and there are repetition, there is no problem, even if there is one, it may be only the issue of difference the ability of an individual, “that’s I think. For example, there is one child, that that was fast catch a lesson a new language, but slow in math, while another child ability to learn its language limited, but it can more quickly in both dance, or music. The principle of consistency is also could be applied to a system of “one person one language”. For example, the son of communicating with the English language with his mother, mandarin with his father, and Indonesian language with her helper at home. “So children know, oh, if the with mother use English, with father use Mandarin language. So all languages can be learned in simultaneous but consistent “, in my opinion.
            A method that is done by Nur Barokah (38 years), the mother of Airis (10 years), and Anya (8 years) that they both in primary school Kauman Yogyakarta moving from Australia. His two daughters speak fluent in Indonesian language, Britain and France. “My husband one of Belgium and he speaks French. Since married we have agreed, if we have a child he will speak French to children, and I speak English”, Nur Barokah said. Chance he had long lived in Australia so accustomed to speak English. To the Indonesian language, usually Airis and Anya use it to communicate with her grandmother and grandfather. Nur barokah parents from Anya and Airis of native people of Indonesian, “indeed I have suggested, if want to speak with children that do not mix extent possible. So we were consistent, and it will be effective once, all my son can be three languages, said Nur Barokah”. This method is effective if parents want to master the language taught on child. But, what about parents who want their children can speak English for example, but do not understand any foreign language?
            In my opinion, it actually can still be done. Psychologist in several schools this international, having experience to address the problem of like that. “The son of my high school teacher, both of his parents is Indonesians, yet his son went to a school English speaking and speaking Arabic, because they reside in a hut its boarding. English the child is fine because at school his teacher consistent speak English, also by contrast with the Arabic language. So while in school, children must be full speak English and Arabic language, should not be intervening Indonesia, because they can make the son of confused. The son of ever knew, while at the school speak English and speaking Arabic, at home in Indonesian language”, I think that it. The point is, children must be consistently given a stimulus and time to can train a particular language, it would be best if parents working with his teacher.
            However, when the parents are not fully mastered or only half control of a foreign language, I am not suggesting that they taught her foreign language, if the parents are still intervening or still learning, don't be nice to the effect that is still young. It must avoid given that kids tend to fake it and make parents as a sample. The mistake of the parents would be correct and should not be enhanced. Another as if a child is big enough, so we can select which right and wrong. He feared, children shall say, ah, mother only language mixed, I shall then. But if such the child wouldn't move. Better a full course and gentlemen, if a child has started to confused with the studied languages, he needs to be directed to get the right version. Certainly this will be difficult if parents are still learning own or not know exactly a version that good and right of a language. I demonstrate, a child once said, “don’t follow me, “in the face of this, we should ask, “what do you want to say” and do as if we do not know what is he talking about it, because if we understand what is said, he tends to be continued. Ah, I just mixed the way, he understood this, why must the right? so we must turn to the right For example, oh, you mean” if he speaks English, or oh, you mean “if he tried in Indonesian language.

3.                  CLOSING
            Every human being will experience phase of learning the language, whether it is a first language obtained since the birth or a foreign language learned in application and also in the induction. The age of being one of the effect on the success of language acquisition in the second or third language is crucial, childhood to the future is easy to obtain a second language or more in unconscious and get it through a process that is natural.
            More than two in language of language acquisition could use a method of consistency, because the method was the key to teach a variety of language in a child .So for example, the children in Indonesian language use, in English and Arabic language school, then maybe come too extracurricular tutorial lesson mandarin or the French language. Though perhaps we feel, well this it is difficult, but during that repetition and there is done consistently, no problem, if there is, the ability of individual differences may be only a problem.
            Give learning experience otherwise, but not mean that children should be able, the most ideal to learn another language besides mother tongue is the age of 6 to 12 years .At the time that resources think the child was in conditions very plastic, so that the ability of the absorption of the language serves automatic. It is, the ability of the brain a little child allows them to learn many things including language. But, teach the core of all things to a child is no coercion. Allowed to be parents stimulate children with a foreign language, but not forcing children to want to learn, let alone requires to be able to prosecute and it quickly.

Bangma, I. and Riemersma. 2011: Multilingual Early Language Transmission. Europian: Fryske Akademy.

Chaer, Abdul. 2011: Psikoluigtik Kajian Teoritik. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta

       2003: Education in a multilingual world. UNESCO: United Nations.
Schutz, Ricardo. Stephen Krashni’s Theory of Second language Acquisition Online. 30 de janero de (2006) p.12, Acces on the 13th april 2015.

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