Nurul Lailatul Mahmudah
Dalam penulisan ini saya ingin memaparkan tentang pemerolehan bahasa anak diusia dini yang mana dalam pemerolehan bahasa itu terjadi bukan karena adanya peniruan ( imitasi ) ataupun kebiasaan yang diajarkan oleh orangtua maupun seseorang pengajar, tapi bisa juga terjadi karena adanya suatu alat yang dinamakan LAD. Karena, menurut Chomsky pemerolehan bahasa pada anak itu bisa terjadi karena adanya LAD, semua itu sangat bertentangan dengan teori B.F Skinner yang menjelaskan bahwasannya seorang anak itu memperoleh bahasa dari lingkungannya, kebiasaannya ataupun peniruan, dengan cara seperti itulah seorang anak dapat menguasai bahasa sebagai langkah awalnya. Karena pada dasarnya seorang anak itu lahir dia seperti kertas kosong yang tidak mempunyai apa-apa, dari peniruan dan pembiasaan itulah seorang anak dapat memperoleh bahasa. Jadi dalam pemerolehan bahasa anak tidak hanya ada karena suatu alat yang di sebut LAD, tapi seorang anak juga dapat memperoleh bahasa dengan cara peniruan dan pembiasaan.
Key words: language acquisition, imitation, LAD
Language is a special capacity is on the man to obtain and use the complex communication, and a language is a specific instance of the system, a language considered as something special, because language is a means of human beings to think that is a source of early humans gain an understanding and science, as a symbol of an understanding, language has enabled humans to understand what is around, and bring him have a science knowledge and expertise. Acquire human language passing social interaction in childhood, and children can already speak in clever more orless the age of three years. The use of language has been rooted in human culture.
Because of it, besides being used to communicate, language also has a lot of the function of social and cultural, as to signify the identity of a group, social stratification, and look to social and entertainment.
Language acquisition is a process which prevails on in the brain a child while acquiring a language her mother. Of language acquisition is divided into two, namely first laguage acquisition the one commonly called to the language of the mother or B1 and second laguage acquisition namely studies of what learning of the study of a language to another after she got his mother tongue. Of language acquisition is that the process which takes place in a young child in the brain when he reaped first language or his mother tongue. Of language acquisition usually distinguished by the learning of languages while the learning of languages relating to processes occurring at the time a child learns language second only to he reaped first language. So of language acquisition with regard to a first language, while the learning of languages with regard to a second language (Chaer, 2002: 242).
Ripeness of cognition is one of the determination of speed and success of language acquisition. The ability of acquiring a language historically been regarded as a “grace” the foundation of a scientific view espoused by (Chomsky, 1965: Arifuddin, 2010: 134) With the theory of universal grammar ( the universal grammar ), who puts inward knowledge of principles reorganize and valid for all languages.
In a process of language acquisition of a child, that of language acquisition can be received through several processes, namely the process of imitation and also with the help of a device called the lad, there are several theories and who argued against each other a language acquisition on a child.
In schutz krashen (2006: 12) defines of language acquisition as ' the product of a subconscious process very similar to the process children undergo when they acquire
their first language. In other words of language acquisition is the process of how someone can speak or process of children in general received a first language.
In a language acquisition, a first language is the language of controlled by humans since the beginning of his life, through interaction with fellow member of the community, as family and community environment where they live. This shows that a first language is a process beginning obtained a child in know and a symbol of the sound called to the language. If in the process early show understanding and good income from family and environment language who procures, the process of language acquisition will then get ease. The stage of language this provides a big influence in the process of language acquisition children. Of language acquisition is the process of understanding and income (production) language on the self children through several stages ranging from meraban until eloquence of speech.
Of language acquisition distinguished into of language acquisition first and second of language acquisition. Of language acquisition first occur if the child has never learn any language, then acquire language. This acquisition would be one language or monolingual FLA (first language acquisition) can two languages simultaneously or sequence (bilingual FLA). Can even more than two language (multilingual FLA). While a second language acquisition happen if someone acquiring a language after occupying a first language or constituting the process of someone develop skills in a second language or foreign language.
In a language acquisition there are two processes, namely:
kompetensi is the process of mastery grammar (phonology, morphology, syntactically, and semantics) are not aware of it. This competence carried by every child since birth. Although brought since birth, requires guidance competence so that children in having performansi speaking.
b.performansi child is the ability of using language to communicate. Performansi consisting of two processes, namely the process of understanding and the process
of publishing sentences. The process involves understanding the ability of observing sentences being heard, while issuance process involving the ability produce own sentence (Chaer 2003: 167).
The factors that helped in the acquitision of language is psychological factors and social factors. Psychological factors referred to are an intellectual process that involves understanding the grammatical structure and the rule, very important in the development of memory, which includes the use of motor skills and tools for producing noise said in a language. Social factors in learning the language consider the situation, including the interaction, especially natural situation and the situation in the classroom.
In an of language acquisition there was a mechanism for an imitation, this is the mimic a language or from the vocabulary of significant for them. Usually a parent or a nanny. Conditioning is mechanisms offered by skinner. Conditioning or habituation mechanism for utterance when children and associated with objects or events that are to happen. Therefore the word which belongs to children is usually of a noun. It can also be a social cognition a child acquire understanding a word about semantics as in cognition he understood the one produces a phoneme through mechanisms atensi together. The production of gotten through a mechanism of imitation.
Imitation mechanism this is the theory of behaviorism which was to have is theoretical learning in psychology who has has emerged since the 1940s until early 1950s and John B.Watson considered as pioneer main in this theory. In this theory the baby brain time was born at all like paper/ empty plates empty (blank slate), that it will be filled with the lessons learned. For them the term implies an language a form, something that is possessed and used, and not something done. That is why they call it with verbal behavior (of behavior verbal) which then these concepts are those set out in his book B.F. Skinner titled verbal behavior (1957).
Acquisition of knowledge in human language that seemed to speak in behavior is the result of the integration of the events of linguistics that observed and affect humans. The ability to speak and understand a language by children obtained through the stimulation from the environment and son regarded as passive recipients of the pressure of the environment, do not have an active role in the process of the development of behavior its verbal.
They also do not acknowledge the child against mastery of language rules and his ability to explain the essential qualities of the language in its environment. But as for when the child of speaking that is caused by the success of the environment that forms the boy. They also did not recognize ripeness of the child in the development of language acquisition, but the developmental process at all determined by the length of exercises given by its environment. As for the development of a language is seen as progress of the application of the principle of stimulus-respon and the process of imitation.
I think children in of language acquisition can be seen from the use of a very simple language element, down to the complicated. This is influenced by a mastery of language children who are still limited to only imitate/ imitation about what is obtained from the environment. The process of imitation started from the process of admission, processing of information and reproducing information that has been accepted. Any serious this will be a system of a value on yourselves sons, hence, the environment stay kids are really affecting quick and slow its language acquisition. In language teaching, behaviorism developed a method of drill or multiply good exercise in the form of oral or written. Such as the case happened to ananda Bayu the son of Mr. Wandi, his first Bayu acquiring a language and even language both he only with the process of imitation, because a custom that is arranged by both his parents is every day song Bayu listen for children use indonesian and english language, every any consume his mother always taught Bayu to mimic what was mother say.
Because, for the son of parents figure the identification is therefore not surprising if they imitate things done parents. Children will necessarily imitate anything that he get in the family and its environment as a new knowledge that despite what he got it right or not good. imageryparents become the basis of a new understanding who procures as khazanah knowledge that means anything done their parents are considered either according to him. Any language obtained children of parents and the environment are stored on his mind as the concept of language acquisition child itself .This shows that the parents in speaking in the family ( mother tongue) is quite a child to be observed imitation. Children are imitative of all the concept that there are in the area.
According to a parent of bayu the process of imitation efficient is the way to learn new things and is one of the process of obtaining ripeness in a universal manner, namely knowledge and skill that obtained from the results of observations on a social environment, because basically a child in do something cannot be separated from the activities of imitating against what has been exercised by adults whether it is the act of and its language. The repetition of a word and phrases new that they had heard are characteristic language child.
Even so, there are other opinions against that. In his theory (Chomsky, 1965: Arifuddin, 2010: 135), Language is not a collection of customs, it was a system that terinternalisasi maxim. The process of language acquisition unspecified, by imitating improvement and the establishment of a custom but by the capacity within learner who is on his own.
Opinion is based on several chomsky assumption. First of all, the language is something that reduced ( genetics ) every language having the same pattern (which is something universal), and the environment have a small role in the process of maturation language. The second is a language neither can be controlled in a relatively short time. Third of the speech environment son is able to provide data that
enough for mastery a grammar that is complicated than adults. According to this tori the language is that of something that is complex and convoluted that impossible can be controlled in such a short time through “the imitation”.
Chomsky said that language was too complex to be studied in the near future through a method of imitation and also a first language was full of errors and irregularities when pronunciation rules or the implementation of a language (performance). He believed that a child was born with natural abilities to develop language. We can both give parable that a child learning a language sealamiah as a bird learn fly. Birds need the right environment to fly, similarly kids need input language and training. Thus, the ability to see and producing language will appear naturally so, of language acquisition are not based on acquisition nurture (was determined by its natural environment) but in nature. It means the son of acquiring a language as he acquired the ability to stand up and walk. The child does not were born as tabularasa, but has been are provided with with innate properties namely faculties of the mind that one of its parts to obtain special language, namely “Language Acquisition Device”.
As also in his case Radit age students 2.5 years the son of Mr. Didik, radit every in home environment been taught about the names of new animal such as the name, the name of objects, the name of color and others. Indeed radit can receive what is delivered one who taught her and radit also trying to remember what taught, but it is very hard if Radit learning a language it was just with mimic what taught by parents and his deputy “said Mr. Didik”, parents Radit had desperate when teach radit introduce the names of the form of radit made all the wrong utters a word “box” repeat it until his mother 8-10 times for exemplifying pronunciation of a word “box”, is right in the brain a child Had been standing apparatus for developing its language which is called by languge acquisition device, so a child learn does not just rely on the imitation and pembiasaan from its surroundings “said Mr. Didik”. Mr. Didik
argues the process of the development of a language a child we can see every year. Child are not just in, in a passive manner, record, receive or imitative language taught by adults around it. The son has a role to play that is active, merekabersusah effort, fall and get up on in the process of a mastery of language. They bergumal with language to cultivate and broke about kebahasaan also with liku-liku the complexity of that language “according to Mr. Didik” parents of Radit. Do it naturally does not need to be imposed , the process of natural this will create example or model speaking that was good for the child “said Mr. Didik”.
It is true that the language learned through imitation, which means a child imitating and repeating words he hears. Through imitation of repeated, child learns and recite the sound of words. This process of course help its pronunciation or speech production child. As happened in his case bayu which i have already discussed over last. Nevertheless, a learning process language not only obtained through imitation, because imitation can be applied in speech production but not understanding speech on as in his case Radit above. Is right is when we studied the language, understanding the production so that precedes, of language acquisition requires a process other than imitation.
A child not only studied the language through imitation because they utter new such phrases that are not available in a language of an adult or not grammatical. In english, the sons of producing ujaran-ujaran as ”sheeps”, "foots”, “mouses”. In producing these words, obviously they do not imitate an expression of adults because adults do not catapult this phrase is. Adults speech catapult as “books”, “dolls”, “cows”, later than those words the children do the formulation to plural nouns. Then, they make overgeneralisasi the plural, which is that every word may be given social nouns accretion marker plural /s/, /z/, /ez/. Not only in the plural, over the generalitation there are also in the form of the past tense in words like “goed”, ”comed”, “falled”and others. Of these examples we see that they are
imitating adults but they develop synthesis in their minds and implement the formulation as expressing something new. formulation is very strong so that affects children output (speech production) (Brown, 1973: Steinberg, Nagata and Aline, 2001: 41).
So I think if the language learned only through imitation, then correction will be in possession of an important role in the process of language acquisition. However, when corrected, there are still so children repeat them. This phenomenon is equal to an example that quoted by McNeil (1966,69):
Children : Nobody don’t like me.
Mother : Nobody likes me.
Child corrected as many as eight times.
Mother (start frustrated): Now, listen carefully. Nobody likes me.
Children : Oh! No body don’t like me.
rom this example we see that the child does not imitation, but repeating the same mistake.
Because generally correction is considered very important for the ability and the development of a child. However, can be shown that parents are usually not too much attention to the grammatical gender speech (Brown, 1973: Steinberg, Nagata and Aline, 2001:43). According to me an example that quoted by McNeil (1966, 69) as explained in answer to No. 1 shows that correction not always successful .The same thing also be seen from this example taken from kindergarten:
Brian : borrow a pencil. ( pointing ballpoint black )
Teachers : this is not a pencil, this a bolpen. Please try again, “borrow a ballpoint”
Brian : a ballpoint.
Teachers : good, you are right .
Brian : borrow a pencil mom . (Repeat the mistake again)
Correction like this need a long process that the child needs to know the difference between an expression of children and parents, observing his mistake to find some way to change his strategy to same speech with their parents. In above example said that parents rarely corrects grammatical speech children. When the said “no body don’t like me”, will be very wrong if the parents correcting like this, no body is the negation of “somebody so does not require an auxiliary do and negative no”. in this case, children will gradually know his iniquity and repaired them.
If a correction given to children older age I really agree because, correction may have the direct effect of good for increased capacity speaking them. Learner will know that ujarannya wrong and will fix it. Although correction in a grammatical manner can be given to child larger, usually the parents paying more attention to children meaning speech. If a child issued objectionable words or an expression that is wrong, then parents will be correcting an expression of the child.
In the theory of language acquisition behaviorism impossible to interpret of creativity in the use of language. Impossible it was all of a child by inauguration what people say. What people say every by someone is a new definition ever made former, except a proverb or statements such as good morning or how are you. So for the behaviorism that learning a language and its development is just the problem of how conditioned children with “mitation way, practice, reinforcement, and habituation”, that is step of language acquisition.
Although, unconsciously, the children know little by little about the language he would make from the results of listening to and watching television, that is the process of language acquisition naturally. But, not all a child just learned the language through the process of imitation.
Based on the explanation above yourself be said that of language acquisition not just obtained automatically, but also through some strategy in acquiring a language on a child. Besides, the process of language acquisition also could be known with saw steps in acquiring a language, the need to known a child not with a suddenly have grammar in his brain and complete with all rule. So in a case that i looked the first case a their children could obtain language by way of imitation and the case is both a their children acquire language by way of imitation but balanced with an instrument namely Language Acquisition Device.
Arifudin. 2010: Neuro Psikolinguistik. Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada
Chaer, Abdul. 2010: Psikoluigtik Kajian Teoritik. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta
Schutz, Ricardo. Stephen Krashni’s Theory of Second language Acquisition Online. 30 de janero de (2006) p.12, Acces on the 13th June 2015.
Steinberg, D. D., H. Nagata and D.P. Aline. 2001: Psycholinguistics Language, mind and world. Harlow, Sussex: Pearson Education.
Nurul Lailatul Mahmudah
Dalam penulisan ini saya ingin memaparkan tentang pemerolehan bahasa anak diusia dini yang mana dalam pemerolehan bahasa itu terjadi bukan karena adanya peniruan ( imitasi ) ataupun kebiasaan yang diajarkan oleh orangtua maupun seseorang pengajar, tapi bisa juga terjadi karena adanya suatu alat yang dinamakan LAD. Karena, menurut Chomsky pemerolehan bahasa pada anak itu bisa terjadi karena adanya LAD, semua itu sangat bertentangan dengan teori B.F Skinner yang menjelaskan bahwasannya seorang anak itu memperoleh bahasa dari lingkungannya, kebiasaannya ataupun peniruan, dengan cara seperti itulah seorang anak dapat menguasai bahasa sebagai langkah awalnya. Karena pada dasarnya seorang anak itu lahir dia seperti kertas kosong yang tidak mempunyai apa-apa, dari peniruan dan pembiasaan itulah seorang anak dapat memperoleh bahasa. Jadi dalam pemerolehan bahasa anak tidak hanya ada karena suatu alat yang di sebut LAD, tapi seorang anak juga dapat memperoleh bahasa dengan cara peniruan dan pembiasaan.
Key words: language acquisition, imitation, LAD
Language is a special capacity is on the man to obtain and use the complex communication, and a language is a specific instance of the system, a language considered as something special, because language is a means of human beings to think that is a source of early humans gain an understanding and science, as a symbol of an understanding, language has enabled humans to understand what is around, and bring him have a science knowledge and expertise. Acquire human language passing social interaction in childhood, and children can already speak in clever more orless the age of three years. The use of language has been rooted in human culture.
Because of it, besides being used to communicate, language also has a lot of the function of social and cultural, as to signify the identity of a group, social stratification, and look to social and entertainment.
Language acquisition is a process which prevails on in the brain a child while acquiring a language her mother. Of language acquisition is divided into two, namely first laguage acquisition the one commonly called to the language of the mother or B1 and second laguage acquisition namely studies of what learning of the study of a language to another after she got his mother tongue. Of language acquisition is that the process which takes place in a young child in the brain when he reaped first language or his mother tongue. Of language acquisition usually distinguished by the learning of languages while the learning of languages relating to processes occurring at the time a child learns language second only to he reaped first language. So of language acquisition with regard to a first language, while the learning of languages with regard to a second language (Chaer, 2002: 242).
Ripeness of cognition is one of the determination of speed and success of language acquisition. The ability of acquiring a language historically been regarded as a “grace” the foundation of a scientific view espoused by (Chomsky, 1965: Arifuddin, 2010: 134) With the theory of universal grammar ( the universal grammar ), who puts inward knowledge of principles reorganize and valid for all languages.
In a process of language acquisition of a child, that of language acquisition can be received through several processes, namely the process of imitation and also with the help of a device called the lad, there are several theories and who argued against each other a language acquisition on a child.
In schutz krashen (2006: 12) defines of language acquisition as ' the product of a subconscious process very similar to the process children undergo when they acquire
their first language. In other words of language acquisition is the process of how someone can speak or process of children in general received a first language.
In a language acquisition, a first language is the language of controlled by humans since the beginning of his life, through interaction with fellow member of the community, as family and community environment where they live. This shows that a first language is a process beginning obtained a child in know and a symbol of the sound called to the language. If in the process early show understanding and good income from family and environment language who procures, the process of language acquisition will then get ease. The stage of language this provides a big influence in the process of language acquisition children. Of language acquisition is the process of understanding and income (production) language on the self children through several stages ranging from meraban until eloquence of speech.
Of language acquisition distinguished into of language acquisition first and second of language acquisition. Of language acquisition first occur if the child has never learn any language, then acquire language. This acquisition would be one language or monolingual FLA (first language acquisition) can two languages simultaneously or sequence (bilingual FLA). Can even more than two language (multilingual FLA). While a second language acquisition happen if someone acquiring a language after occupying a first language or constituting the process of someone develop skills in a second language or foreign language.
In a language acquisition there are two processes, namely:
kompetensi is the process of mastery grammar (phonology, morphology, syntactically, and semantics) are not aware of it. This competence carried by every child since birth. Although brought since birth, requires guidance competence so that children in having performansi speaking.
b.performansi child is the ability of using language to communicate. Performansi consisting of two processes, namely the process of understanding and the process
of publishing sentences. The process involves understanding the ability of observing sentences being heard, while issuance process involving the ability produce own sentence (Chaer 2003: 167).
The factors that helped in the acquitision of language is psychological factors and social factors. Psychological factors referred to are an intellectual process that involves understanding the grammatical structure and the rule, very important in the development of memory, which includes the use of motor skills and tools for producing noise said in a language. Social factors in learning the language consider the situation, including the interaction, especially natural situation and the situation in the classroom.
In an of language acquisition there was a mechanism for an imitation, this is the mimic a language or from the vocabulary of significant for them. Usually a parent or a nanny. Conditioning is mechanisms offered by skinner. Conditioning or habituation mechanism for utterance when children and associated with objects or events that are to happen. Therefore the word which belongs to children is usually of a noun. It can also be a social cognition a child acquire understanding a word about semantics as in cognition he understood the one produces a phoneme through mechanisms atensi together. The production of gotten through a mechanism of imitation.
Imitation mechanism this is the theory of behaviorism which was to have is theoretical learning in psychology who has has emerged since the 1940s until early 1950s and John B.Watson considered as pioneer main in this theory. In this theory the baby brain time was born at all like paper/ empty plates empty (blank slate), that it will be filled with the lessons learned. For them the term implies an language a form, something that is possessed and used, and not something done. That is why they call it with verbal behavior (of behavior verbal) which then these concepts are those set out in his book B.F. Skinner titled verbal behavior (1957).
Acquisition of knowledge in human language that seemed to speak in behavior is the result of the integration of the events of linguistics that observed and affect humans. The ability to speak and understand a language by children obtained through the stimulation from the environment and son regarded as passive recipients of the pressure of the environment, do not have an active role in the process of the development of behavior its verbal.
They also do not acknowledge the child against mastery of language rules and his ability to explain the essential qualities of the language in its environment. But as for when the child of speaking that is caused by the success of the environment that forms the boy. They also did not recognize ripeness of the child in the development of language acquisition, but the developmental process at all determined by the length of exercises given by its environment. As for the development of a language is seen as progress of the application of the principle of stimulus-respon and the process of imitation.
I think children in of language acquisition can be seen from the use of a very simple language element, down to the complicated. This is influenced by a mastery of language children who are still limited to only imitate/ imitation about what is obtained from the environment. The process of imitation started from the process of admission, processing of information and reproducing information that has been accepted. Any serious this will be a system of a value on yourselves sons, hence, the environment stay kids are really affecting quick and slow its language acquisition. In language teaching, behaviorism developed a method of drill or multiply good exercise in the form of oral or written. Such as the case happened to ananda Bayu the son of Mr. Wandi, his first Bayu acquiring a language and even language both he only with the process of imitation, because a custom that is arranged by both his parents is every day song Bayu listen for children use indonesian and english language, every any consume his mother always taught Bayu to mimic what was mother say.
Because, for the son of parents figure the identification is therefore not surprising if they imitate things done parents. Children will necessarily imitate anything that he get in the family and its environment as a new knowledge that despite what he got it right or not good. imageryparents become the basis of a new understanding who procures as khazanah knowledge that means anything done their parents are considered either according to him. Any language obtained children of parents and the environment are stored on his mind as the concept of language acquisition child itself .This shows that the parents in speaking in the family ( mother tongue) is quite a child to be observed imitation. Children are imitative of all the concept that there are in the area.
According to a parent of bayu the process of imitation efficient is the way to learn new things and is one of the process of obtaining ripeness in a universal manner, namely knowledge and skill that obtained from the results of observations on a social environment, because basically a child in do something cannot be separated from the activities of imitating against what has been exercised by adults whether it is the act of and its language. The repetition of a word and phrases new that they had heard are characteristic language child.
Even so, there are other opinions against that. In his theory (Chomsky, 1965: Arifuddin, 2010: 135), Language is not a collection of customs, it was a system that terinternalisasi maxim. The process of language acquisition unspecified, by imitating improvement and the establishment of a custom but by the capacity within learner who is on his own.
Opinion is based on several chomsky assumption. First of all, the language is something that reduced ( genetics ) every language having the same pattern (which is something universal), and the environment have a small role in the process of maturation language. The second is a language neither can be controlled in a relatively short time. Third of the speech environment son is able to provide data that
enough for mastery a grammar that is complicated than adults. According to this tori the language is that of something that is complex and convoluted that impossible can be controlled in such a short time through “the imitation”.
Chomsky said that language was too complex to be studied in the near future through a method of imitation and also a first language was full of errors and irregularities when pronunciation rules or the implementation of a language (performance). He believed that a child was born with natural abilities to develop language. We can both give parable that a child learning a language sealamiah as a bird learn fly. Birds need the right environment to fly, similarly kids need input language and training. Thus, the ability to see and producing language will appear naturally so, of language acquisition are not based on acquisition nurture (was determined by its natural environment) but in nature. It means the son of acquiring a language as he acquired the ability to stand up and walk. The child does not were born as tabularasa, but has been are provided with with innate properties namely faculties of the mind that one of its parts to obtain special language, namely “Language Acquisition Device”.
As also in his case Radit age students 2.5 years the son of Mr. Didik, radit every in home environment been taught about the names of new animal such as the name, the name of objects, the name of color and others. Indeed radit can receive what is delivered one who taught her and radit also trying to remember what taught, but it is very hard if Radit learning a language it was just with mimic what taught by parents and his deputy “said Mr. Didik”, parents Radit had desperate when teach radit introduce the names of the form of radit made all the wrong utters a word “box” repeat it until his mother 8-10 times for exemplifying pronunciation of a word “box”, is right in the brain a child Had been standing apparatus for developing its language which is called by languge acquisition device, so a child learn does not just rely on the imitation and pembiasaan from its surroundings “said Mr. Didik”. Mr. Didik
argues the process of the development of a language a child we can see every year. Child are not just in, in a passive manner, record, receive or imitative language taught by adults around it. The son has a role to play that is active, merekabersusah effort, fall and get up on in the process of a mastery of language. They bergumal with language to cultivate and broke about kebahasaan also with liku-liku the complexity of that language “according to Mr. Didik” parents of Radit. Do it naturally does not need to be imposed , the process of natural this will create example or model speaking that was good for the child “said Mr. Didik”.
It is true that the language learned through imitation, which means a child imitating and repeating words he hears. Through imitation of repeated, child learns and recite the sound of words. This process of course help its pronunciation or speech production child. As happened in his case bayu which i have already discussed over last. Nevertheless, a learning process language not only obtained through imitation, because imitation can be applied in speech production but not understanding speech on as in his case Radit above. Is right is when we studied the language, understanding the production so that precedes, of language acquisition requires a process other than imitation.
A child not only studied the language through imitation because they utter new such phrases that are not available in a language of an adult or not grammatical. In english, the sons of producing ujaran-ujaran as ”sheeps”, "foots”, “mouses”. In producing these words, obviously they do not imitate an expression of adults because adults do not catapult this phrase is. Adults speech catapult as “books”, “dolls”, “cows”, later than those words the children do the formulation to plural nouns. Then, they make overgeneralisasi the plural, which is that every word may be given social nouns accretion marker plural /s/, /z/, /ez/. Not only in the plural, over the generalitation there are also in the form of the past tense in words like “goed”, ”comed”, “falled”and others. Of these examples we see that they are
imitating adults but they develop synthesis in their minds and implement the formulation as expressing something new. formulation is very strong so that affects children output (speech production) (Brown, 1973: Steinberg, Nagata and Aline, 2001: 41).
So I think if the language learned only through imitation, then correction will be in possession of an important role in the process of language acquisition. However, when corrected, there are still so children repeat them. This phenomenon is equal to an example that quoted by McNeil (1966,69):
Children : Nobody don’t like me.
Mother : Nobody likes me.
Child corrected as many as eight times.
Mother (start frustrated): Now, listen carefully. Nobody likes me.
Children : Oh! No body don’t like me.
rom this example we see that the child does not imitation, but repeating the same mistake.
Because generally correction is considered very important for the ability and the development of a child. However, can be shown that parents are usually not too much attention to the grammatical gender speech (Brown, 1973: Steinberg, Nagata and Aline, 2001:43). According to me an example that quoted by McNeil (1966, 69) as explained in answer to No. 1 shows that correction not always successful .The same thing also be seen from this example taken from kindergarten:
Brian : borrow a pencil. ( pointing ballpoint black )
Teachers : this is not a pencil, this a bolpen. Please try again, “borrow a ballpoint”
Brian : a ballpoint.
Teachers : good, you are right .
Brian : borrow a pencil mom . (Repeat the mistake again)
Correction like this need a long process that the child needs to know the difference between an expression of children and parents, observing his mistake to find some way to change his strategy to same speech with their parents. In above example said that parents rarely corrects grammatical speech children. When the said “no body don’t like me”, will be very wrong if the parents correcting like this, no body is the negation of “somebody so does not require an auxiliary do and negative no”. in this case, children will gradually know his iniquity and repaired them.
If a correction given to children older age I really agree because, correction may have the direct effect of good for increased capacity speaking them. Learner will know that ujarannya wrong and will fix it. Although correction in a grammatical manner can be given to child larger, usually the parents paying more attention to children meaning speech. If a child issued objectionable words or an expression that is wrong, then parents will be correcting an expression of the child.
In the theory of language acquisition behaviorism impossible to interpret of creativity in the use of language. Impossible it was all of a child by inauguration what people say. What people say every by someone is a new definition ever made former, except a proverb or statements such as good morning or how are you. So for the behaviorism that learning a language and its development is just the problem of how conditioned children with “mitation way, practice, reinforcement, and habituation”, that is step of language acquisition.
Although, unconsciously, the children know little by little about the language he would make from the results of listening to and watching television, that is the process of language acquisition naturally. But, not all a child just learned the language through the process of imitation.
Based on the explanation above yourself be said that of language acquisition not just obtained automatically, but also through some strategy in acquiring a language on a child. Besides, the process of language acquisition also could be known with saw steps in acquiring a language, the need to known a child not with a suddenly have grammar in his brain and complete with all rule. So in a case that i looked the first case a their children could obtain language by way of imitation and the case is both a their children acquire language by way of imitation but balanced with an instrument namely Language Acquisition Device.
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Chaer, Abdul. 2010: Psikoluigtik Kajian Teoritik. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta
Schutz, Ricardo. Stephen Krashni’s Theory of Second language Acquisition Online. 30 de janero de (2006) p.12, Acces on the 13th June 2015.
Steinberg, D. D., H. Nagata and D.P. Aline. 2001: Psycholinguistics Language, mind and world. Harlow, Sussex: Pearson Education.
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